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Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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UNC Student Robbed at Gunpoint in Avery Room

Victim: Robber took cell phone, laptop.

The 18-year-old victim, who lives in Avery Residence Hall, reported to University police at 6:51 p.m. an armed robbery of his laptop computer, a cell phone, jewelry and little cash, said University Police Chief Derek Poarch shortly after the incident.

No shots were fired, and no injuries were reported, according to a statement released Thursday night by University police.

The release describes the robber as a black male about 5 feet 10 inches tall, 185 pounds with a medium to dark complexion and no facial hair. The robber wore his hair in a tight cornrow style and was wearing a gray T-shirt, blue jeans and boots, according to reports.

Poarch said Thursday night that officials did not know whether the robber was a student and did not know if he was still on campus. It is still unclear whether anyone else was involved, but Poarch said no one was in the room with the victim.

Officers patrolled campus Thursday night and were on high alert near Avery, Poarch said.

In the meantime, officials are interviewing possible witnesses and following a number of leads. "It's still ongoing," Poarch said. "It's really so early -- the detectives are just getting started."

In an interview two hours after the robbery, the victim said that the robber knocked on the door and that he called for the robber to come in.

After the robber entered and asked for another resident, the victim directed him across the hall. The robber left, then re-entered shortly after without knocking, the victim said.

When the robber entered the second time, he was holding a gun in front of the victim. "It was an old, crappy gun, and I just thought he was kidding," the victim said.

The robber unplugged the phone and placed a bag on the floor, in which he instructed the resident to place a laptop, cell phone and gold chain, the victim said.

After being ordered to give the robber money, the victim gave him $4. "Then he told me to take my shirt off and lay down like nothing happened," the victim said.

After the robber left, the victim got up, locked the door, plugged the phone in and called the police. The victim said officers arrived in about two minutes.

The victim said it would be possible for him to recognize the robber if seen again. "All I could think about was the gun. ... I just kept seeing him cocking it and cocking it."

The front door to Avery is locked and students must have a Marlock key to enter the building.

But the victim and other students at the scene said it is easy for people who do not have a key to enter the building because they can follow someone else in.

"Anybody can get in," said Brian Snyder, a first-floor resident assistant in Avery.

University police are asking community members with information about the assault to call them at 962-8100 or Carrboro-Chapel Hill-UNC Crime Stoppers at 942-7515.

The University Editor can be reached at

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