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Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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500 Runners Rise Early To Benefit Cancer Research

The 3.1-mile race began on an annual basis four years ago in honor of the late Chancellor Michael Hooker, who died of cancer. All proceeds benefit UNC's Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center.

"(Hooker) was very in-tune with students and we wanted to do something in honor of him," said Kris Willett, Carolina Athletic Association president and one of the event's organizers.

Special Projects Coordinator Mike Tompkins said Sunday he was not sure how much money was made at Saturday's run but that officials will know sometime this week.

A $10 entrance fee was the only stipulation to participate. The runners received T-shirts and were treated to bagels after completing the course.

Varying motives and athletic abilities were present Saturday morning at the intramural fields as the runners prepared to take off.

Some were compelled to run in honor of a family member or friend who had died of cancer, but others were participating for the exercise while benefiting a good cause.

At just over 16 minutes, the winner, sophomore Doug Smith, was running along with several of his teammates from the varsity cross country and track teams.

All first, second and third places were won by members of the varsity cross country and track teams.

The team members were given the option of running the Hooker 5K or another workout for their Saturday practice. Most of the team chose the race instead of the usual practice.

"I like to do it; it's for a good cause," Smith said.

It was the second year Celia Huffman, a sophomore in the School of Dentistry, and Kristen Sanders, a sophomore in the School of Nursing, decided to run.

Huffman was running on behalf of her best friend's aunt, who died of breast cancer. Both Huffman and Sanders had been training for the event and had "been looking forward to it all year," Huffman said.

Derek Fricke, a junior business major, was asked days earlier to run in honor of a friend's mother, who died of cancer. Fricke and four of his friends ended up running to show their support.

Megan Ritchie, a freshman political science major; Sarah Stargel, a freshman biology major; Susan Fist, an undecided freshman; and Lauren Portnow, a freshman chemistry major -- all members of the novice varsity crew team -- decided to run together. The group had a large showing of about 20 freshman girls from the team.

"Usually getting up at 7:30 on a Saturday morning isn't my favorite thing to do, but this is such a good cause," Ritchie said. "It's so great to see so many people."

The University Editor can be reached at

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