The Daily Tar Heel
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Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel


Musical Chairs

The Board of Trustees shot down a proposal to give seats on the board to faculty and staff. The BOT ruled that neither was mature enough for the big table and had to spend another year at the kiddie table.

Run Out on a Rail

The Chapel Hill Town Council is reconsidering a townwide ban on duplexes. Getting to the root of their concerns, they are trying to ban UNC students.

C = Higher Tuition

A report card gave North Carolina a "C" for affordability -- down from an "A" two years ago. Bill Friday, called father of the UNC system, cut the state's allowance and grounded it for a month.

On the Road Home

The N.C. General Assembly adjourned Thursday. Don't miss it too much guys; there's a $1 billion deficit keeping the light on for you.

Tar Heel Quotables

"A lot of college students have given up on books."
"Fight Club" Author Chuck Palahniuk
On disconnection with society. Maybe this explains why students keep asking for "Chemistry 11 -- The Movie."

"Hell, some of the best nights are the ones you don't even remember."
Kirkpatrick's Manager Ken Achenbach
On drinking. It's always reassuring to see bar employees promote safe drinking practices and healthy lifestyle choices such as amnesia.

"Even my dumbest friend is better than TV, and I have some pretty dumb friends."
"Fight Club" Author Chuck Palahniuk
On television programming. Your dumb friends are probably watching "TRL" now because they like it more than you.

"But the animals can't be here to tell you what their needs are."
Former Animal Shelter Employee Bonnie Norwood
Concerning alleged mismanagement at the county animal shelter. What? Can't your dog talk like everyone else's?

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