The Daily Tar Heel
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Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Coates Remembered for Knowledge of University History, Her Generosity

Gladys Coates was a wonderful lady. I remember calling her late in the spring of 1990 before I graduated to ask her to sign my copy a book she had written on student government and UNC history. She had a terribly busy social schedule and was always in demand to be at UNC events because she knew or had known everybody, but she told me to come by.

When I arrived at her house near the Forest Theatre, a woman in her late 80s opened the door. As always she was impeccably dressed, as if L.L. Bean had over-nighted her a new outfit for each day. She also always had a bow in her hair. I did not intend to take up much of her time that day, and I assumed she would sign right there or in an entry hallway and I would be on my way. Oh no. I had to come in. I simply must have some lemonade and refreshments and please come sit down and tell me how you are doing.

As I sat in her living room drinking lemonade and partaking of cookies and small cakes arranged neatly on a silver dish she insisted that I had to see her late husband Albert's medals. She brought them out and explained what each was for. We talked of the University, people we both knew and various other matters. Eventually, I did not need my lemonade refreshed any more, and the afternoon grew late, and we said our goodbyes.

As we got to the door she remembered she had not yet signed the book. So she did it right by the door, just as I had expected.

So if you never met her, believe me, Gladys Coates was a wonderful lady.

Michael Kolb
Class of 1990

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