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Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Mentoring Program Encourages Diverse Involvement

UNCLE, one of UNC's newest campus organizations, was created last February by a board of seven students, said Chairman Alistair Cooper, a senior political science major.

"We wanted a way to make intellectual resources more readily available to freshmen on campus, to give them more options," Cooper said. "Too many people when they come in are arbitrarily attracted to the first thing they find just so they can be involved.

"UNCLE encourages more diverse involvement in campus activities."

The organization is composed of 76 mentoring pairs made up of an upperclassman and an ambitious freshman or transfer, where upperclassmen share their expertise and experiences with the underclassmen.

"We want the pairs to form meaningful relationships, so we were careful to pair them based on character compatibility," Cooper said.

Beyond just the immediate one-on-one relationship, the organization hopes to create a familial cohesion, Cooper said. All mentors compile information about their involvements and experiences to form a reservoir of information for those they mentor.

While heavily reliant on the mentoring program, the organization also includes other elements to give it a greater depth and dimension, he said.

"We have a Web site set up with information about campus events, auditions, application deadlines, Pit activities and more," he said. "We also take that information and compile it into a bi-weekly bulletin for mentees and anyone else interested."

The organization also hosts monthly resource seminars to expose freshmen to speakers from outside UNC and the virtues of internal organizations, he said.

The first of these took place Wednesday night and featured Rachel Willis, a professor of American studies.

Willis talked about the importance of mentoring and encouraged the students to "THINK."

"Take ownership, have fun, insure against risks, never stop learning, and know how to navigate," she said. "This is the most fun time of your life -- enjoy it, but use it to your advantage."

Those who turned out for the lecture expressed great enthusiasm for UNCLE.

"I'm really excited about this group," said Courtney Jeffries, a freshman from Yanceyville who is involved in UNCLE. "I think it's going to be a great way to meet new people, and it will help me to become more outgoing."

Mentors firmly supported the program's goals as well.

"I think it helps to give freshmen an informal setting to learn from a mentor and a friend," said sophomore psychology major Jovian Irvin. "There's so much more they can learn outside of the classroom, and hopefully, through these relationships, they can find themselves -- their best self -- in college."

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