Dana Thompson, chairwoman of the Orange County Board of Education, said that the board has been accepting applications for the superintendent position for five weeks and that the deadline is Friday.
She said it is important to hear from the community before the board fills the position or looks at the applications.
"We will weigh community feedback heavily in our decision," she said.
Board members passed out a survey at the start of the meeting asking audience members to rate the abilities, experiences and expectations they would like the new superintendent to possess.
First-grade teacher and Orange County Teacher of the Year winner Stacey Lee was the first person to speak, citing the need for a superintendent who is willing to dedicate himself to the school system for the long term.
"We want someone who is vested here," she said. "We want someone who doesn't use us as a stepping stone."
Vaughn Compton, father of three children enrolled in Orange County Schools, agreed with her sentiments.
"We want someone we can call a friend, someone who joins a church in Hillsborough, someone who is accessible," he said.
Board member Delores Simpson addressed the issue of the small community turnout.