The Daily Tar Heel
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Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Student Government, DTH Failed to Promote Congressional Election

It saddens me to the extent that both student government and The Daily Tar Heel failed in their responsibilities to inform the community. I am referring to the recent student congress elections. After advocating voting in the state primaries, where was Student Body President Jen Daum or Chancellor James Moeser for that matter? Where were the signs on campus or in the dorms informing students of these elections? Where were the articles urging students to go online to vote? There was one article the day of the election, but it was hardly persuasive and obviously mostly overlooked.

Looking at the front page of the DTH in the past week, pictures of tango dancers and the Carolina Inn have taken precedence over much more important issues. I voted, but I did not even know about elections until a candidate asked me for her vote that day.

It's disturbing to know that our freedom to vote is so well overlooked by our elected officials and the media on this campus. By the way, if you are wondering why the Board of Trustees acts seemingly without students' interests in mind, the answer is here. Our student government, like any other organization, needs membership to function, and it doesn't even promote building its numbers and thus its leadership base. If it can't look out for its own interests, then why should we expect it to be able to look out for the student body's needs?

Chris Halloran

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