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Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

APS Members Present Goals

Five directors will be completing their terms, allowing four incumbents, two board nominees and five at-large individuals to contend for the openings. The board consists of 15 people.

Candidates had to have petitions signed by at least 10 APS members to run.

The only candidate to address recent APS bylaw changes within his statement to the board was Elliot Cramer.

The alterations, made during a Nov. 4 meeting, give the board the responsibility of electing new directors, taking this right away from the general APS membership.

"Your ill-considered action changing the bylaws without notice to the membership, despite my request, will undoubtedly be challenged in court if you do not quickly rescind it," Cramer said to the board.

After the meeting, at-large candidate Bibb Latan

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