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Black Brings Routine Back to UNC

1970 alumnus to perform this weekend

The second invitation came less than a month later.

On Saturday night, Black will make good on his acceptance of that invitation when he takes the stage for a performance in the George Watts Hill Alumni Center for Homecoming weekend.

The show is co-sponsored by the General Alumni Association and the Carolina Union Activities Board, but it was the GAA that chose to bring back Black specifically for Homecoming weekend, said CUAB president Charles Phaneuf.

"They were interested in a program that would appeal to both alumni and students," Phaneuf said. "(Black) fits that bill."

Sallie Hutton, coordinator of alumni reunions for the GAA, said her organization contacted Black about doing the performance as soon as the dates for this year's Homecoming were announced last February.

"(Black) was very receptive to the idea," Hutton said. "There was no arm-twisting."

Black, who graduated from UNC in 1970, has gained national prominence for his segments on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show."

Hutton said that alumni reunions have not featured big-name performers in the past but that the GAA was looking to bring in a famous alumnus for this year's Homecoming.

Hutton said Black's national name recognition made him a perfect candidate.

"We wanted to bring in a big name ... and it's nice to tie in that he's a Carolina alumnus," Hutton said. "We like to bring in famous Carolina graduates to show alumni that they're out there."

During his performance last February, Black mixed his infamously biting social satire with comical anecdotes about his days at UNC.

Phaneuf and Hutton both said that they do not know what topics Black will include in his routine Saturday night but that they expect some of his material to focus on the University.

Student tickets for the show sold out in only a few days earlier this month, but Hutton said about 150 tickets originally reserved for alumni now are available to the general public from the GAA.

Hutton said that the tickets are $25 but that GAA members can get a $5 discount if they purchase their tickets in advance.

Phaneuf said he attributed the high student interest in the performance to Black's ability to weave social commentary into his routine.

And Phaneuf said that with such a positive student response to Black's work, the comedian shouldn't have to wait a few more decades to return to his alma mater.

"He really enjoyed coming in the spring, and the show was a big success," Phaneuf said. "As long as he keeps wanting to come, we'll be interested in having him here."

The Arts & Entertainment Editor can be reached at

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