The Daily Tar Heel
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Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Editorial Board Should Re-evaluate Effect Staff Have on Campus Life

Until (The Daily Tar Heel editorial board gains) a better understanding of the University staff's plight, you might want to keep your opinions to yourself. Over the last few weeks many staff members that I've talked with have been disturbed by the flippant attitude of the DTH editorial board about staff needs. In your Nov. 14 editorial you stated: "It would be pleasant for UNC-Chapel Hill employees to receive a living wage or a small salary increase, but the committee must be practical."

Pleasant to receive a living wage -- what do you mean by that? Many University employees, including myself, work second jobs to make ends meet. An increase in wage is not pleasant, it is a necessity to be able to pay the bills, rent, health-care needs and other living expenses.

I suggest that members of the editorial board interview staff to find out what sacrifices they make in order to work at UNC. Staff play a major role in the education at this University. Without the staff, this University could not run at all.

Tom Arnel
Employee Forum Delegate

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