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Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Extra Safety Measures Unnecessary, Will Place Burden on Student Body

There have been a couple of on-campus crimes, which have brought cries for increased security, with which I don't agree. I believe that campus security should be maintained at its current level.

Strides have been made to increase security and decrease crime on campus in recent years. In 2000, contact between officers and members of the university increased 628 percent and there was a 337 percent increase in problem-solving projects addressing crime and fear.

Furthermore, the overall amount of robberies and violent crimes has in fact decreased in the past few years.

Increased security would be imposing upon the lives of the students, as one of the first measures taken would be within the residence halls. Many suggest installing security guards in them, but the figure of an authoritative adult would prove imposing and would create the feel of a prison.

Another measure that could be taken is to carry a resident ID at all times. This would be inconvenient, as it is presently awkward to have to carry keys everywhere as means to get back into the residence halls. This rule would mean that residents would have to escort visitors into the building at all times and would perhaps eliminate the permission of visitors in all, which would take away from the social aspect of college life.

The University should conduct more seminars on safety for those who feel threatened and people should keep their doors locked, always looking to see who is at the door. If students feel uncomfortable, they should talk to authorities on campus.

On-campus security should be maintained at its current level, with these other solutions in place. Students must continue to be cautious and do what they deem necessary to feel safe. Most students enjoy the relative autonomy of college life and increased security would threaten this.

Taylor Toothman
International Studies

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