The Daily Tar Heel
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Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Mafia Attitude Mirrors College Students' Drive for Prosperity

After that initial shock and depression that we are not No. 1 on everybody's list is over and many of us settle for being the only night manager at Wendy's with an undergraduate degree, we'll wait and hope for the economy to turn around and get those "respectable" cubicle jobs.

However, there are options out there. Everybody seems to get into this mind-set that we can only get certain types of jobs regardless of the varied and diverse skills a liberal arts education has afforded us.

One organization I know is always hiring, has a global reach on all the major continents and certainly would appreciate the fine young men and women graduating from this University. It can serve as a step to bigger and better things -- political office or a business career.

This group doesn't discriminate according to race, religion or ethnicity. They employ Italians, Russians, Japanese, Irish -- heck, even Albanians work with these folks. The retirement benefits aren't great, but the possibilities for wealth are immense. Now what group could I be talking about?

Naturally, it's organized crime. And I'd like to formally let them know that myself, along with many of my fellow graduating seniors, are ready to work. Our r

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