The $65 million facility, to be located between Kenan Field House and the George Watts Hill Alumni Center, will have a 700-space, three-level parking deck topped with a two-story campus recreation building and a two-story student dining facility.
The Department of Public Safety sent an e-mail to S5 permit holders Wednesday stating that, "S5 permits were issued for this lot effective through Dec. 15 in hopes that construction would not start until the fall semester ended."
But because construction began earlier than expected, students with S5 permits must either park in the S11 lot or join the Commuter Alternative Program and use Chapel Hill Transit services from one of the park-and-ride lots. Students opting for the CAP can turn in their parking permits for a refund, which will be prorated every week.
Some students are upset about the change.
"I was not very happy when I received the e-mail because I was expecting to have the decal for another month," senior Katie Williamson said.
But Bruce Runberg, associate vice chancellor for planning and construction, said the Ramshead project is on schedule.
"We originally planned for Phase II to begin after the last home football game," he said. "That is why we are starting this week."
Phase II will involve the excavation of the existing parking lot and construction of site utilities, which include storm water, steam water and chilled water lines.
As part of Phase I, which began in September, workers built a temporary 240-space parking lot on Ehringhaus Field to accommodate the closing of the S5 lot. Workers also installed steam water lines extending from Carmichael Residence Hall to the northeast portion of the S5 lot.