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Trustees Recommend Additions to "Measures of Excellence"

Board members also asked officials at their bimonthly meeting to assemble data from the past three to five years to use as a benchmark to track UNC's progress.

The "measures of excellence" are an extensive list of standards meant to capture the qualities of a large research university, said Provost Robert Shelton, who gave the presentation to the board.

"It is our own internal scorecard," he said.

UNC's Office of Institutional Research will measure these criteria annually to allow administrators to more effectively compare UNC with peer institutions, such as the University of California-Berkeley and the University of Michigan.

Although many rating systems, such as that of U.S. News & World Report, already exist, UNC is organizing a drive to develop more inclusive standards that will convey the distinctness of the University as it strives to be the leading public university in the nation.

The measures first were presented to the board at its September meeting, where members engaged in an exhaustive debate about which were the most important criteria.

After the meeting, Shelton took that feedback and developed the revised list, which was presented to the board Thursday.

The new measures are broken down into nine categories: undergraduate education, graduate and professional education, intellectual capital for faculty, intellectual capital of research, staff development and performance, engagement and public service, internationalization, finance and facilities, and athletics.

The previous report had six broader categories, many of which were expanded into two areas. Other categories, such as athletics, are completely new.

The updated measures condensed many standards and eliminated others from consideration, including criteria to measure the quality of incoming students.

But during the board's discussion Thursday, trustee Paul Fulton asked Shelton to add those criteria back into the measures, saying that it is important for UNC to work toward improving the quality of its incoming students.

Student Body President Jen Daum said she wants to see accessibility more closely measured by researching the percentage of students who apply from lower-income groups.

"It's the students who aren't applying that is the problem," said Daum, who also is a member of the board.

Other trustees asked Shelton to add faculty and staff retention rates to the list, as well as the average number of years it takes graduate students to complete their degrees.

A final draft of the measures will be developed over the next several months and provided to the board members in sections as they are completed.

The board is expected to discuss it at its January and March meetings.

The University Editor can be reached at

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