In addition to the program becoming Internet-friendly, several new job opportunities were opened to students this year and wages were increased.
At the beginning of the fall 2002 semester, officials at the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid implemented a new job classification system for FWS students.
Under the new system, students are paid wages set to their skill levels instead of a flat rate.
"The goal of the job classification project was to establish a compensation system that differentiates among skill levels, abilities and prior work experience -- one that recognizes and pays for the wide array of job responsibilities and duties that a student performs," said Ann Trollinger, senior assistant director for the student aid office.
In the new system, supervisors of work-study students are given control over the amount paid to the students as long as it stays within limits set by the office.
The system consists of four classifications: pay levels S1 through S4. Jobs under the S1 category, such as that of a clerical assistant, require no experience or previous training. Students can receive wages of $6 to $7.75.
The highest pay level is S4, in which students might be paid anywhere from $11.25 to $13. These students are expected to perform advanced technical services.
"We wanted supervisors to have more flexibility in setting wage rates," Trollinger said.
"Students are now being rewarded for the level of duties that are being performed, and supervisors are now creating positions that are academic-related and career-related."