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Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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ACT to Finalize Long-Term Campus Parking Plan

After a full semester of work, UNC's Advisory Committee on Transportation is on schedule to present a proposal for a long-term parking and transportation plan to the UNC Board of Trustees this month.

The committee will meet Wednesday to finalize its recommendations for the five-year plan before it is sent to the BOT.

The plan might include changes to the parking layout in UNC's Development Plan -- a long-term plan for campus growth -- and a sliding scale for parking permit price increases.

In an initial version of the proposal presented to ACT on Dec. 11, committee members discussed the possibility of building parking decks at Jackson Place and at Bioinformatics II instead of at the Manning deck, which is recommended in the Development Plan.

Eugene Bober, ACT member and planner in the School of Medicine, said parking decks at the two alternate locations would serve UNC Hospitals better because the Manning deck would be too far away to be useful to hospital visitors.

"If we're going to spend the money to build (the parking decks), we want to be sure people will use them," he said.

The plan presented at the meeting also included the implementation of a sliding scale for increases in parking permit prices -- an idea that was discussed by the committee throughout the semester.

The sliding scale proposal -- which, if approved, would not go into effect until the next academic year -- suggests raising the price of parking permits based on salary.

Students and employees earning less than $50,000 a year would see an annual price increase of up to 5 percent.

Employees earning between $50,000 and $100,000 would pay up to a 10 percent annual increase.

All employees with salaries of more than $100,000 would pay an annual price increase of up to 20 percent.

Bober said committee members might consider limiting the sliding scale increases to a three- or four-year period at their Wednesday meeting to ensure that the prices will not rise every year.

The proposal also included plans to improve roadways at major intersections on campus and to work with Chapel Hill Transit in deciding on its service to the University.

Derek Poarch, ACT chairman and director of the Department of Public Safety, said that committee members generally are in agreement with the recommendations made in the proposal and that he doesn't expect any major changes to be made at Wednesday's meeting.

"There are some semantics to discuss," he said. "But there is no serious opposition."

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