The Daily Tar Heel
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Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

DTH to Hold Interest Meeting

Students can meet editors, ask questions

The Daily Tar Heel will hold an information session tonight for those interested in applying to work on staff this semester.

The meeting will be held at 5 p.m. in Union 1502 and should last no longer than an hour. Everyone is welcome.

Another information session will be held Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in 33 Carroll Hall.

DTH editors will attend the meeting to introduce themselves, share information about the paper, explain the responsibilities of each desk and answer any questions.

The DTH is looking for energetic, dedicated students interested in journalism and serving the community. Students interested in writing, copy editing, taking photographs, designing pages, working in graphic design, drawing editorial cartoons or working with the online publication are needed on staff.

Students from a variety of backgrounds and levels of experience are encouraged to apply. No prior journalism experience is needed, and applicants need not be journalism majors, although they are welcome.

As the campus newspaper, the DTH offers a unique chance to get involved in the campus community while learning about journalism. The DTH is the perfect place to hone your skills, experience and study journalism, meet new people and boost your r

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