The Daily Tar Heel
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Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

'Post Office Kids' Consider Editorial Cartoon Demeaning, Inappropriate


I am writing to you about a drawing by a fellow named Stevens that was published in your little newspaper on Thursday. An offensive and uncalled-for drawing about the post office kids' spring rush a drawing making fun of all the punks with mohawks, tattoos and all.

That uncalled-for drawing has offended many of my friends and people I know. Not to mention made the only hangout for all of us look bad. The place I am referring to is Street Scene Teen Center, a place that is the only place for the kids to go to. I have been going to the Street Scene since high school, and I continue to go down there to help them out. The teen center does not need this kind of negative publicity. Franklin Street is nothing but college-oriented -- sports bars and dance clubs. There is no place for the kids that have our taste in music to go, no place for them to play around on guitars or jam with fellow musicians.

Whoever this Stevens jerk is he needs to rethink his drawings before he gets them published. And think for a minute that most of the kids that hang out there are not spoiled like all the college jerks and whores by having mom or dad pay for their college, buy them brand new BMWs or pay their rent. So on behalf of all of the post office kids we demand a front-page apology from both The Daily Tar Heel and Stevens. That was uncalled for and makes Street Scene Teen Center look bad.

Graham Denzler

Chapel Hill

Editor's Note: The Daily Tar Heel grants apologies for factual errors, not for opinions on the editorial page.

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