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Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Many students are unaware of registration intricacies


A lot has been said in the last couple of days about registration and the method of dorm-storming to increase the number of voters here at Carolina.

It is true that registration forms are located in Davis Library and in the Pit each day, but this isn't enough. We all have excuses: "I am late to class" or "I can do this later."

Although procrastination is a time-honored tradition among college students, it simply will not do when dealing with this issue of registration. If you are registering to vote in North Carolina, you must do so at least 30 days prior to the election.

That means you must register within the next week or so to be eligible Nov. 2.

Many of Carolina's students have registered previously. If you are registered at your permanent address, get an absentee ballot or plan on driving to the appropriate poll on Election Day.

If you are registered in Orange County, and you change residence halls or move off-campus without changing the address on your registration record by filling out a new card, do not expect to vote.

It has been my experience that most of the student body is unfamiliar with the logistics of voter registration.

And that is why dorm-storming is important - not only for the Young Democrats, but also for College Republicans and VoteCarolina.

These organizations need access to the residence halls to spread the word and to assist all students in the voting process.

Democracy works when we are informed, engaged and voting citizens.

Let us maintain democracy through dorm-storming and the expansion of the voting population here at Carolina.

Register now and vote Nov. 2.

Amy Roberson

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