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Playboy photo shoot draws department's ire

Professor aims to set record straight

The chairman of UNC's Department of Chemistry said Monday that he is disappointed in a faculty member who hosted a Playboy photo shoot at his home last spring.

Department Chairman James Jorgenson announced this weekend that other members of the chemistry department were not involved with the photo shoot and do not approve of the event.

"It seemed that people were coming to the conclusion that the department was condoning his actions," Jorgenson said during an interview Monday. "I wanted to make it clear that his actions were in no way connected with the chemistry department."

Criticism arose last week after an article published by The Chapel Hill News reported that UNC chemistry Professor Malcolm Forbes hosted the photo shoot at his house.

Forbes has claimed that he was not present during the photo shoot, but the article did not indicate this fact.

The article also stated that a member of the department acts as a liaison for Playboy, but Jorgenson said there is no such faculty or staff member.

Maya Parson, a graduate student studying anthropology, was among those to voice public disdain toward Forbes' actions.

"I felt that his actions were totally unethical and was completely shocked," Parson said of her initial reaction.

She added that she was equally upset by the apparent lack of response within the University community.

Lisa Katz, director of UNC News Services, explained Monday the University's stance on the issue.

"The University's faculty and staff have the right to enjoy the same freedoms as other citizens without institutional censorship or discipline," she said. "This includes the right of a faculty member to allow his residence to be used in any lawful way that he deems appropriate."

Forbes has submitted letters to the editors of area newspapers, including The Daily Tar Heel, to defend his involvement with the photo shoot.

In the letters, Forbes expresses his regret that his affiliation with the University was publicized. He also apologizes to members of the University community who are offended by his actions and makes note of his voluntary absence during the photo shoots.

Forbes said Monday that he did not want to comment further and expressed his desire for normalcy.

"I want to let my letter stand as the only news I want to provide," he said during a phone interview.

Dana Powell, a graduate student in the anthropology department who co-authored a letter to the editor with Parson, was wary of Forbes's statement.

"I appreciate the apology," she said. "However, I still question his initial judgement."

While Forbes' decision not to attend the photo shoot makes his decision more acceptable, Powell said, it doesn't change the overall impact of his actions.

She said she hopes the events will serve as learning experiences for the community.

"This issue is not just about women students but about how gender is perceived and depicted in our community."

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