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Road Race to benefit Latino advocacy group

The expanded and improved Familias del Pueblo Road Race returns to Carrboro on Saturday with more events and activities than ever.

The 10K race begins at 8 a.m., and the course circuit runs through and around Hillsborough Road.

In addition to the road race, there is also a one-mile run/walk and "Yo Corro/I run" children's events.

This year, the event also offers a coed soccer tournament and a casual women's volleyball tournament to be held after the award ceremony for the road race.

This is the first year that all proceeds from the race will go to El Centro Latino, said Hector Perez, executive director of the nonprofit organization.

In past years, El Centro Latino has split the event's proceeds with other nonprofit organizations.

"All proceeds go to nonprofit programs and services through El Centro Latino," he said. "The money helps fund women's groups, play groups, after-school programs, and educational and social service programs."

The road race was originally part of Fiesta del Pueblo, a Latin American festival. But when Fiesta del Pueblo moved to Raleigh two years ago, the road race remained, said Winkie La Force, vice chairwoman of the Board of Directors for El Centro Latino.

"It's been really successful," La Force said. "We raised $15,000 last year."

So far this year, 150 people have registered to run and about 135 volunteers have signed up, said Amber Hall, programs and volunteer coordinator for El Centro Latino.

Volunteers do everything from course monitoring and logistics, to distributing water and blowing up balloons for the children, Hall said.

"The race is important because it brings together the community for a worthy cause," Perez said.

Those interested in participating in the event also can register up until 6:30 a.m. the day of the race, Hall said.

All volunteers and participants in the Familias del Pueblo Road Race receive a free four-color T-shirt.

Interested parties should contact Hall at 932-4652 or for registration information.

More information on the fourth annual Familias del Pueblo Road Race, including a detailed directions to the event site, can be found at

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