After the Carolina blue graduation caps have been tossed and the photos have been taken next to the Old Well, many seniors leave UNC and stop leaving traces of their time here.
But for eight young alumni, cyberspace has created a loophole to the tradition.
With the help of the General Alumni Association, several members of the class of 2004 have been participating in a Web-logging project in which they chronicle their transition from the University into the real world.
The idea was a collaborative one, coming from last year's senior marshals, the GAA Student Advisory Board and the president and vice president for the class of 2005. Their goal was to generate ideas for this fall's Homecoming weekend.
Once the concept was established, they began to brainstorm names of seniors whose future plans fell into one of four categories: service/nonprofit, business professional, professional school and undecided.
In addition, the invited students needed to be standouts in the University community.
"We wanted people that students would know and remember," said Mike Ludwick, coordinator of student membership for the GAA. "The names we came up with were generally presidents of organizations or very active on campus."
The results of their efforts are eight young alumni, all of whom just posted their fifth journal entry on the GAA Web site. Every Wednesday, the bloggers post what they have been doing during the week.
Kit Evans, chief senior marshal for the class of 2004, is one of those graduates. She now is teaching special education at a middle school in Washington, D.C., a job she acquired through Teach for America.