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Former CIA anaylst speaks on international intelligence

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Gathered around kung pao chicken in Hamilton Hall, UNC students got a unique opportunity Tuesday night to hear first-hand knowledge on international intelligence.

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern made his appearance before two dozen students as part of an informal discussion focusing on the situation in Iraq and the intelligence McGovern said misled the country into war.

McGovern said that early on, the Bush administration had decided to go into Iraq and was searching for a way to go about it - resulting in poor intelligence that misled Congress.

"That intelligence had nothing to do with the decision of whether to go to war with Iraq," he said. "It was not if or when, it was how do we get (Saddam Hussein)."

He added that the only real solution is to pull out of Iraq and that U.S. presence has only caused an increase in the number of homegrown and foreign terrorists within Iraqi borders.

The Fordham University graduate said that somewhere, the CIA lost its way and for a long time has been focused on telling the administration what they want to hear instead of reporting the truth.

McGovern, a 27-year veteran of the CIA, said solutions like creating a national intelligence director are unnecessary because the central intelligence director simply needs broader powers.

He also called the 9/11 Commission a whitewash, stating that because members were not willing to point the finger and find out who was to blame, the real answers could not be found.

"If only half of the government had done its job ... there would be no 9/11," he said. "Don't believe them when they say 9/11 couldn't have been prevented."

McGovern, co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, came to UNC this week as part of an effort by his organization to go out and inform the public about intelligence issues.

"My friends and I in the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity have been fanning out for months now, going to campuses and churches and other institutions just to spread around the insights on what's been happening in our government," the Bronx native said.

He added that although they no longer have insider information, the experience of VIPS members allows them to properly analyze what is, for the most part, publicly available.

McGovern has spent the last few days teaching classes at UNC and said that he is impressed with the high caliber of students with whom he has worked.

"I have a very fine impression of the folks that are taking these advanced classes," he said. "I am impressed by the questions they ask. It's really quite remarkable."

The public will have a chance to catch McGovern's thoughts on Iraq at 7 p.m. today in Hanes Auditorium, where he will give a lecture on the situation in Iraq and the administration's use of intelligence.

"I feel that this is the most critical time in my country's history in my lifetime," he said. "That's why I'm spending night and day talking to anyone who's interested in me."

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