The Daily Tar Heel
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Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Saturday's heroes weren't just the football players


I am writing because I wanted to give recognition to two types of heroes at Saturday's home football game versus N.C. State.

There were all those who represent the Carolina football family, and there were the fighter pilots.

I witnessed countless students storm the field not only to slap the shoulder pads of Mad Dog and Durant but also to shake hands and to offer a warm "thanks" to the six men out there who serve the United States.

It was just as much a rush to cheer for Mitchell when he popped the ball loose at the end zone as it was to see the whole stadium erupt, red and blue, in a standing ovation as those fighter pilots were introduced on the field.

I have never been more proud to be a UNC student than I was on Saturday as I watched my fellow classmates thank six men who represent all of those who give their lives to preserve what we love about this great nation.

Emily Glunz


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