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Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Schools to join together for Nov. 6 research conference


As we get into the heat of football season and competition between UNC, Duke and N.C. State intensifies, we should not forget the fact that the close relationships that exist between our schools are primarily to the benefit of students.

One way in which our institutions can strengthen each other is by fostering undergraduate research and by promoting the presentation of student accomplishments.

Graduating students who enter research fields are often inadequately prepared to showcase their ideas and findings because the undergraduate research environment does not provide many opportunities to hone the necessary skills.

The Triangle Undergraduate Research Symposium was initiated with this in mind. It is the first multidisciplinary, collaborative research conference among the undergraduates of UNC, Duke and N.C. State.

A one-day event scheduled to take place on Saturday, Nov. 6 at the McKimmon Center at N.C. State, the symposium includes three keynote speakers, two sessions of poster presentations and a graduate school panel.

This unique opportunity allows students interested in undergraduate research in the humanities, sciences and engineering to present their work and to learn about the work of others in the area.

Applications to participate in TURS are due Friday, Oct. 15. Go to to apply or get more information.

After all, Triangle rivalries aren't all about sports.

Michael Stella

Van Tran

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