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Season will be short a game

Blue-White match isn't on calendar

Correction: Due to a reporting error, the Oct. 22 article "Season will be short a game" misquoted Steve Kirschner, associate athletic director for athletic communications, as saying that students will have to pay to attend the men's basketball team's exhibition games. Kirschner should have been quoted as saying, "Some of the people who would have gone to the Blue-White game may attend one of the exhibition games instead so it may balance out some."

Dedicated UNC-Chapel Hill basketball fans who have come to expect the annual Blue-White game will be disappointed to find the Smith Center vacant next weekend.

The game, which has been a staple of Homecoming weekend, has been scrapped this year - and officials said they don't think they'll reschedule the event in the future.

In the past, the scrimmage has served as the first exhibition of the year and as an opportunity for fans to observe the basketball team in action before the season kicks off.

But the Department of Athletics decided last year to omit the game in hopes that "Late Night With Roy Williams," which took place Oct. 15, and a pair of already-scheduled exhibition games - one against Winston-Salem State University on Nov. 5 and one against Mount Olive on Nov. 12 - will fill the void.

"We already have two exhibition games plus the 'Late Night' scrimmage," said Steve Kirschner, associate director for athletic communications.

"So we feel that students are provided with enough opportunities to preview the team in action."

While the lack of a game will mean the loss of ticket sales, Kirschner said he remains optimistic that the move will have little impact on the school's pocketbook.

"Now more students who planned to attend the Blue and White game will just pay for the exhibition games, so it should balance out," said Kirschner.

He added that he doesn't think the 6,000 to 8,000 fans who usually attend the game will express disappointment.

The decision to cancel the game has been public for almost a year, he said, and fans still will have the opportunity to attend the exhibitions against WSSU and Mount Olive.

But some students have not warmed up to the decision.

"(Not having a Blue-White game) is definitely a negative," said Steven Brooks, a junior majoring in exercise and sport science.

"It was always a fun experience to see members of the team play each other. ... And since regular-season games are always hard to get tickets for, this gave a chance to see the team."

Other students, however, said they're not averse to the choice.

Senior Matt O'Neal, a communication studies major, said he doesn't usually attend the Blue-White game.

O'Neal said he opts instead to go to bigger games deep into the regular season.

Still, he noted that the schedule shift might prove disappointing to fans who aren't able to get tickets to these traditionally well-attended games.

"It is disappointing because some students just aren't able to attend all of the games."

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