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Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Asian celebration focuses on culture

The applause and cheers of the audience echoed through the Great Hall after the rhythmic and intense sounds of the Korean drums ceased.

The performance was part of the 12th annual Journey into Asia held Saturday night.

The event, sponsored by the UNC-Chapel Hill Asian Students Association and the Carolina Asia Center, began with a buffet and ended with performances by various students and groups.

Lines formed across the room for the buffet, which was sponsored by local restaurants and featured foods from countries such as India, Japan, Korea, Thailand and China.

Jason Wang, a sophomore biology major, said he attended the event to show his support for Asian culture and heritage.

"This is one of the biggest events ASA puts on," Wang said. "I came to support it."

After the buffet, the large and diverse crowd filled the seats and lined the back wall of the Great Hall to watch the performances, which included many students from N.C. State and Duke universities.

The theme of the show was East Side Story, influenced by the musical "West Side Story."

Deepti Damle, a junior health and policy administration major, performed with Bhangra Elite, which performs a North Indian style of dance.

"I just love coming out to cultural events," she said. "It's just so colorful, so exciting, so much fun."

She also said she enjoyed getting other people to learn about international cultures.

Kinjel Desai, a dancer with Bhangra Elite and graduate student in health policy and administration, said she enjoyed taking part in the event because it exposes the campus to different cultures.

She added that it is important to celebrate the diversity at UNC-CH.

Along with Bhangra Elite, the show included a Vietnamese dance, Filipino dance, Chinese fan dance and modern hip-hop performances.

Wang, who also attended the event last year, said the improvements in the show - which included the addition of different groups and added skits - made the show more humorous and less serious.

"We put a lot of dedication and hard work into it," said Jyoti Vasnani, a sophomore who performed with the Asian hip-hop dance team Kamikazi.

She added that she also thought the entire show went well. "The crowd really liked it."

The show also included a Korean drum band, rap solo, Korean song duet and a fashion show that displayed traditional Asian outfits as well as modern American trends.

Wang said the event was a great way for the Asian community to celebrate its bond and common heritage. He added that the night fulfilled a sense of the Asian culture that he is exposed to at home.

"When you're away from home, you really feel that void."

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