The Daily Tar Heel
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Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

The opinionated need apply

Do you read The Daily Tar Heel's opinion page and wonder what it would be like to contribute to the arguments and opinions that are published every day? Do you get frustrated because your views are rarely, if ever, represented on the page?

If so, now's the time to take action.

Applications are available for membership on the DTH Editorial Board and for weekly columnist and cartoonist positions for the spring semester.

In terms of columnists, we need someone to keep track of University issues and to praise or criticize the actions of student government officials and UNC administrators.

We also need someone to pay close attention to town affairs, to examine important developments in Chapel Hill and to analyze the constantly evolving relationship between the University and the town. And we need someone to monitor and take on issues that affect the entire state, the nation and even the whole world.

In addition, we need two at-large columnists. These two writers will have more freedom than the other three in terms of their coverage, but they still must come up with material that is relevant to DTH readers, especially students.

We're also accepting applications for cartoonist spots. We want talented people who can visually encapsulate an opinion in a single frame. They should maintain awareness of the issues that the DTH covers, and they should tackle those issues in their art.

Last, but certainly not least, we need new Editorial Board members. Unlike weekly columnists and cartoonists, board members are responsible for material that appears in practically every issue of the DTH.

If you want to learn more about the issues that relate to you as a student - whether you know it or not - and to debate and write about those issues, then the board might be for you.

Applications are now available at the DTH front desk, in Suite 2409 of the Student Union. If you think you have a lot to offer and plenty to say, then by all means, think about applying for a post on the DTH's editorial page.

There are some rules of which to be aware. DTH staff members can't serve in student government in any capacity. They can't run for student office or work for a campaign in the spring.

Otherwise, the process will be wide open. All applications are due by 5 p.m. on Dec. 3.

Contact Elliott Dube at

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The Daily Tar Heel's 2024 DEI Special Edition