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Moeser aims to reach students

Sophomore Andrew Zoeller said he doesn’t know that much about Chancellor James Moeser.

After being corrected on the pronunciation — “Meezer” — the economics and international studies double major from Kingsport, Tenn., countered, “I know he has a hard name to pronounce.”

Freshman Ed McLaurin also was vague when questioned about Moeser’s job description.

“He chancellors the school, that’s what he does,” McLaurin offered.

With about 26,000 undergraduate, graduate and professional students roaming the campus, the University chancellor might find a campaign to get to know the student body on a personal level daunting.

But Moeser does not seem deterred.

“We’ve been looking for more ways to increase my visibility on campus,” he said.

He said efforts in the past have ranged from dinners with randomly selected students in Lenoir Dining Hall to “Leave it to Moeser” days in the Pit, in which the Student Advisory Committee to the Chancellor supplies sticky notes for students to place on a picture of the chancellor.

The most successful project so far has been the informal open house held in November by SACC, Moeser said.

The crowd of about 50 students who came to the question-and-answer session was eager to be there, and Moeser said he was pleased with the quality of questions and discussion.

The best ways to reach him are by contacting him through e-mail and by attending events such as the two spring open houses, Moeser said. Students get in touch with him about concerns ranging from athletic ticket distributions to tuition.

Alexa Kleysteuber, SACC chairwoman and student body vice president, said open houses will be held Feb. 2 in Graham Memorial Hall and April 26 at a South Campus location such as a basketball court or in the Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Black Culture and History.

SACC is a committee made up of 12 undergraduate and graduate students that meets weekly as a group and monthly with Moeser with the purpose of keeping him informed on student opinions on various issues.

“The SACC helps me get a handle of what’s brewing on campus,” Moeser said.

Kleysteuber said student knowledge of Moeser varies, but there are a lot of students who don’t know his name or think “he just walks around visiting classes and responding to leaks in the dorms.”

“Moeser loves to meet with groups of students,” she said. She has heard of him taking students up on lunch offers.

Student Body President Matt Calabria agreed that there are many misconceptions about Moeser’s role on campus.

“I think it is difficult for anyone, specifically students, to conceptualize all the chancellor has to do,” Calabria said, with external affairs, fund raising and political leadership in dealing with the UNC Board of Trustees, state General Assembly and town taking up a majority of his time.

“Students want more access, want to speak with him more directly, but I hope students realize that he’s been doing an incredible job of reaching out. … He’s continuing a UNC tradition of students working side by side with administrators.”

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