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WUNC to host business spot

Boston, Washington, New York, Los Angeles — and Chapel Hill.

Don’t see the relationship?

Joan Siefert Rose, general manager for Chapel Hill’s WUNC-FM, said the pattern is clear.

“We have banking in Charlotte, fishing on the coast. … There is a fairly interesting microcosm (in the area) of business trends throughout the country,” Rose said.

The more obvious similarity among the cities is that they each now have bureaus for National Public Radio’s business news program, “Marketplace.”

Rose said WUNC will house the southeastern bureau for “Marketplace,” with the reporter starting in May.

“Marketplace,” which is based in Los Angeles, broadcasts on more than 330 public radio stations to about 7.4 million listeners Monday through Friday.

“This is exciting news. We’re very excited,” Rose said. “We started to think about ways to create significant programming that could have an impact and that we could do.

“The question was, ‘Could we pull it off?’”

Rose said she had been in discussions with “Marketplace” for about six months and had wanted to start a Chapel Hill bureau for years.

“You can find great stories anywhere, but you can’t find great partners,” said J.J. Yore, executive producer of “Marketplace,” about why Chapel Hill was selected. “(The area) has a diverse economic situation that reflects across the country and globe.”

Chapel Hill’s bureau reporter will report daily for “Marketplace,” focusing on business trends and the region’s economy.

Although Yore said both sides still are working on what the bureau’s focus should be, demographics, the region’s changing economy, education, research and industry and entrepreneurship are being discussed as possibilities.

“There’s such a diversity of stories on the economy,” Rose said, listing the state’s manufacturing and textile industries and the mix of rural and urban areas prevalent throughout the Southeast as possible focus areas.

Rose added that Chapel Hill’s recent focus on economic revitalization is another example of a story that is relevant to the entire country.

“You can look here and compare us with the Northeast to the West Coast,” she said.

The challenge, Rose said, will be for the reporter, who will essentially be the bureau’s entire workforce.

“We want an experienced journalist … a real self-starter,” Rose said, adding that WUNC and “Marketplace” will collaborate in the hiring.

Yore said the new bureau offers his program, in only its 16th year, a chance to connect with a new region of the country.

“It just made sense,” Rose said. “Both sides brought something to the table. We went to them and said, ‘What about us?’”

“Marketplace” currently airs at 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday on WUNC.

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