Student officials are on the lookout for dedicated and passionate students who display a desire to create change at the University.
With student body elections now complete, students soon will get a chance to apply for various positions in student government or the honor system.
Student Body President-elect Seth Dearmin said he hopes to have applications available by the end of this week for students interested in applying for Cabinet positions in student government.
A key item on Dearmin’s platform included expanding and improving student government. He now is working to create new positions for freshman, sophomore and junior class officers.
“I am looking to restructure student government,” Dearmin said. “I want to be proactive and go to different student groups in order to encourage students to apply.”
Applications will be available to students on the student government Web Site and at its office. Dearmin also said he plans to send out e-mails to encourage students to participate in student government.
“We are really looking for passionate and excited students to fill these positions,” Dearmin said. “There is really no exact mold.”
Anyone who will be a full-time student during the 2005-06 academic school year can apply, Dearmin added.
Applications now are available in the office of the Honor Court for students interested in becoming members.