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Top judicial appointees announced

Junior Matt McDowell soon will join the ranks of other past student attorneys general — including his father, John McDowell, who served in the office during the 1970-71 academic year.

“Not only did my dad pass along his love for the University, but he passed along his love for the honor system as well,” McDowell said.

Student Body President Matt Calabria announced the appointment of McDowell and other top officials Sunday night.

“I think (McDowell) brings a lot of good ideas to the table,” Calabria said. “One of his biggest strengths is his experience and his know-how. We really have a lot of faith in him.”

Pending approval from Student Congress, McDowell will be inaugurated April 5 along with next year’s student government leaders.

McDowell, a political science and business major, began working with the attorney general’s staff the first semester of his freshman year and has been serving the honor system in some capacity ever since.

“As part of the honor system, you’re able to promote and preserve honesty and integrity on campus,” he said. “This motivated me back then, and it still motivates me now.”

McDowell was interviewed by a six-person committee, including Student Attorney General Carolina Chavez and Dave Gilbert, faculty adviser to the judicial branch.

“Matt’s been a valuable asset to our team,” Chavez said. “I knew Matt would rise to the occasion.”

McDowell said he plans to improve the policies and procedures of the honor system next year and to continue discussions about finding stable funding for the system.

He also plans to educate the student body about the inner workings of the honor system. “I think everyone should be in the loop in terms of how things work,” he said.

Calabria also announced his appointment of junior John Deans as Honor Court chairman and junior Shelly Schaaf as honor system outreach coordinator.

Schaaf is studying abroad and couldn’t be reached for comment.

Deans has been on the court since his freshman year. He said he plans to concentrate on expanding recent changes to the Honor Court.

“There’s a saying in basketball that says the little things are very important to building success,” he said. “My goal next year is to improve on these little things.”

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