The Daily Tar Heel
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Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Campus briefs

Student arrested on public urination, marijuana charges

Timothy Grinder, 19, of 446 Morrison Residence Hall, was charged Saturday with possession of marijuana and public urination, reports state.

A resident advisor noticed Grinder urinating off the fourth floor balcony and said he appeared to be intoxicated, reports state.

University police were called to the scene, and upon entering Grinder’s room they found the student unconscious, according to police reports. He was transported to UNC hospitals.

University police discovered marijuana and two smoking pipes in the room, according to the report.


Vandals pilfer $6,000 viola in Hill Hall locker heist

A UNC student’s viola, valued at $6,000, was reported stolen Sunday from the basement of Hill Hall, according to University police reports. The student said that the viola was secured in a locker Saturday and upon his arrival Sunday the locker was open and did not appear to be damaged, reports state.

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