Getting back in touch with the student body and redefining its role are two key goals for this session of Student Congress’ Student Affairs Committee.
The group — which leaders said struggled to sculpt its identity last term — is seeking to infuse life back into the committee.
In addition to tackling problems such as campus parking and transportation, the newly formed Student Affairs Committee discussed a need to reunite student government officials with the student body during its first meeting Tuesday evening.
“This year, we have not been as connected with the student body as we should be,” said Luke Farley, speaker of Congress. “We need to push to reconnect students and their representatives.”
Both former Speaker Charlie Anderson and Emma Hodson, SAC chairwoman, said the committee was not as effective as possible in working with students’ issues this year because of a lack of legislation and an increase in select committees.
“This year, it was difficult for student affairs to find their niche,” Anderson said. “We need to be getting out there and pulling issues from students next year.”
SAC members should proactively address issues that are important to students before they turn into problems. The committee also acts as a check for the student body president, Anderson said.
Although some say the SAC failed to connect with students and the issues that are important to them during the 86th session, officials are hopeful that new leaders will be more effective in creating a voice for the student body.
Younger representatives and more active leaders are crucial to improving the committee, Hodson said.