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Diversity group to issue report soon

The Chancellor’s Task Force on Diversity is steps away from determining the state of diversity on campus and submitting a report to Chancellor James Moeser before the semester’s end.

The task force met Wednesday to review a preliminary draft of the report that it hopes to have completed and brought before the chancellor by the end of this month.

“I think we’ve come an enormous way to be this far,” law professor Charles Daye said of the task force that met for the first time last fall.

During Wednesday’s meeting, the group discussed changes that should be made to the document, which will be compiled by a professional writer and circulated once again for final approval from the committee.

The group viewed a first draft of the report and brainstormed a variety of ideas for the final copy.

Members debated a number of recommendations to determine how specific each would be.

The process is a long one because they want to be sure that the final report reflects the feelings of the 38-member task force, said Archie Ervin, director of the Office for Minority Affairs.

In December, the task force developed five core values — vision and commitment to diversity, the presence of diversity, educational benefits of diversity, responsible interactions and a supportive climate — to guide them throughout the process.

At the beginning of this semester, a survey sent to students, faculty and staff inquired about their views of diversity on campus. The Office of Institutional Research used a variety of methods such as questionnaires, focus groups and interviews in hopes of gaining a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

After subcommittees received the research results in March, the complete task force came together to hear presentations and discuss how they would condense the findings into a coherent report for Moeser.

Although the task force aims to complete its formal duties when it submits recommendations to the chancellor, officials said the University will continue to examine diversity issues in the future.

“This is not the end of either examination of diversity or the end of research on the state of diversity,” said Cookie Newsom, director of diversity education and research for the Office for Minority Affairs.

The University community will need to follow up the task force’s work by taking meaningful steps and ensuring that the commitment to diversity is not ignored, members said.

Incentives need to be provided to faculty and staff to promote diversity in the future, Ervin said.

“In a year hence, I would like to see a report card on this.”

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