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Ethics columnist reaps speech funds

After the first meeting of Student Congress’ Finance Committee this session, UNC students are one step closer to hearing a renowned ethics columnist speak this fall

The Honor System Outreach program walked out of Wednesday night’s meeting as big winners when the committee recommended approving the group’s $8,500 budget request —a number unmatched in recent history.

The committee’s recommendation will be taken up at Tuesday’s full Congress meeting, and if approved, the appropriation will cover ethicist Randy Cohen’s speaking fee.

Cohen, a columnist for The New York Times Magazine and a former writer for “Late Show with David Letterman” and “The Rosie O’Donnell Show,” will speak Sept. 22 as part of Honor and Integrity Week.

The acceptance of the Honor System Outreach’s proposal was largely aided by the fact that committee members had a balance of close to $44,064 left to dole out to student groups.

“We’re ecstatic,” said Candace Debnam, the outreach system’s vice coordinator. “This was our first time before (the committee), and we were really nervous.”

Honor System Outreach representatives said Cohen will appeal to an array of students as well as educate on a serious topic.

“He’s not as straight-laced as some speakers,” said Laura Ely, system treasurer.

Committee members said they were impressed that the honor system was able to negotiate Cohen’s fee down from his normal price range of $10,000 to $12,000. They added that his $8,500 price tag is worth the entire day he will spend on campus.

“It’s well planned out,” said Speaker Pro Tem Kris Gould. “He’ll be around campus all day talking to a variety of students.”

Finance Committee Chairwoman Anisa Mohanty added that Congress had room to be generous.

“We have the money. I don’t see a problem with giving it out,” she said.

Although committee members said they were pleased with the preparedness of the groups that attended, members said they were disappointed that only three of the nine groups slated to appear actually came to the meeting.

“It was one of the smoothest meetings I’ve seen,” Mohanty said. “I was a little surprised that so few groups showed up, though.”

Committee members also recommended allocating $2,041.91 to the Carolina Production Guild for production costs and $173.20 to the UNC Economics Club to cover speaker expenses.

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