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Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Habitat house becomes a home

Though the walls are bare, the floors are naked and the rooms are empty, Linda Parson’s new home is full of love and support.

Laughter filled the incomplete structure as more than 25 people, smiling and sharing hugs, congregated for the dedication of Parson’s home Sunday.

The house, located in the Rusch Hollow Neighborhood off Rogers Road, is the product of the UNC Blitz Build, an effort by 140 volunteers to build a house in three days.

The build was sponsored by UNC Habitat for Humanity and took place the last weekend of February.

During the dedication, Parson’s children, Imani and Isiah, ran around the landscape, chasing each other and exploring every inch of their new home.

“They’re excited,” Parson said. “They’re going to be excited to have their own rooms, their own playing area, and they don’t have to move anymore.”

Daisy Parson, Linda Parson’s mother, stood on the house’s front porch to look over the neighborhood as she watched her grandchildren. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with pride and happiness for her daughter.

“The dedication was absolutely the best,” Daisy Parson said. “To see all these young people come out and to know that so many people wanted to help, you couldn’t ask for more.”

The project is the effort of the Chapel of the Cross Episcopal church, UNC Habitat for Humanity, Kenan-Flagler Business School, the Department of City and Regional Planning, St. Paul AME Church and individual Habitat donors and volunteers.

“All this kindness is awesome,” Linda Parson said during the ceremony. “In two months we went from a foundation, and now here we are with a roof over my head.”

The ceremony included an invocation and scripture reading, gifts and a prayer of dedication.

Carolyn Nickens, a future Habitat homeowner and a friend of Linda Parson, said she enjoyed watching the progress on her friend’s home.

“I am almost as excited as she is to see her house being built,” Nickens said. “I feel excited. I feel good.

“I almost got emotional just listening to the comments and the feelings expressed by Linda and the volunteers.”

Linda Parson said she is excited about everything left to do to make the house a home, from painting the walls to furnishing the rooms.

“This is really a great blessing, and I’m glad you all could share in it with me,” she told volunteers.

Later, she greeted her house guests and thanked those who helped.

“I was hoping to see more volunteers,” she said.

“I’d just like to thank all of them that helped with the construction, the fund raising — just everything. This all means so much to me.”

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