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Students snags awards

UNC officials recognize about 75 with honors

Hugs and photographs were the theme of the day Monday, when top University officials handed out some of UNC’s most prestigious awards.

Students, parents, professors and staff gathered in the Great Hall to recognize almost 75 excited Tar Heels at this year’s Chancellor’s Awards ceremony.

The annual event honors some of UNC’s most academically gifted and involved students, professors and teaching assistants — and recipients said they all felt a bit of Carolina pride after their names were called.

“It’s really an honor,” said senior Renée Smith, a recipient of the Venable Medal — an award presented to two chemistry students who display outstanding academic work and character and who make important contributions to the UNC community.

“I don’t even know who nominated me,” she said. “The thought that somebody in the chemistry department thought enough of me to nominate me is an honor.”

All told, 64 students, three faculty members and six teaching assistants received some of the University’s top honors.

“It’s especially nice to see the undergraduates take the time and money to establish these awards,” said Philipp Stelzel, a first-year TA in the Department of History who received an award Monday.

“I like that it’s not only for the professors but also for the TAs.”

The ceremony opened with remarks from Chancellor James Moeser. He told the crowd of about 350 people that the students receiving academic awards “are our brightest and our hardest-working students.”

After the remarks, Steve Allred, executive associate provost; Margaret Jablonski, vice chancellor for student affairs; and former Student Body President Matt Calabria, who stood in for current President Seth Dearmin, read the names of the recipients.

When officials finished handing out every award, Moeser closed the ceremony with words of encouragement. “We are proud of each and every one of you,” he said.

The crowd then rose to its feet and gave the recipients a lengthy standing ovation.

A reception came after the ceremony, and students had their pictures taken with family and friends. Professors and staff members greeted parents and congratulated award recipients.

Perhaps the happiest students on the night were the seniors who received awards, most of whom will leave Chapel Hill in less than two months.

“I will graduate next month, so just to be a part of this ceremony is great,” said Laura Arpin, recipient of the Hampton Shuping Prize, an award from the Kenan-Flager Business School issued to a graduating senior who excels in academics, integrity and leadership.

Many of recipients said they walked away from the ceremony with a sense of accomplishment.

“It feels like a great honor,” said Elizabeth Barrett, recipient of the Peter C. Baxter Memorial Prize in American Studies that honors on outstanding senior in American studies. “It brings out my Carolina pride.”

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