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The Daily Tar Heel

Saying goodbye to a decade of DTH history

Ad director leaving for a new job

It’s been eleven years.

There have been hundreds of students and more than dozens of awards, but after more than a decade, a staple of The Daily Tar Heel is moving on.

Advertising Director Chrissy Beck is taking on a new job as the associate director for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce.

While a departure after a working in one place for so long is always difficult, Beck is leaving the DTH on a high note — this past year was the most successful one the advertising staff ever had.

“We were 20 percent over our local goal, which was amazing,” she said.

Beck graduated from the University in 1989 with a degree in advertising, and was also a member of the DTH’s advertising staff for her four years here as a student.

The advertising staff, which is made up of students and changes on a regular basis, won numerous accolades under Beck’s leadership. It garnered the prestigious Best Advertising Sales Staff of the Year (BASSY) award four year times since it was created in 1999.

The staff was also honored by the North Carolina Press Association Award in 2005, picking up first-place wins in categories regarding the best use of spot color and best classified section.

But she doesn’t accomplish this all on her own. Beck lauded the talent and motivation of her student staff for the success they have reached together over the years.

“It’s the best college paper and the students are amazing,” she said.

Beck estimated that she’s worked with at least 200 students during her career here, and said that she will always remember the people she’s mentored.

“The reason that I’ve been here for 11 years is because of the community and the people I’ve been able to work with.”

Beck, who is the President of the Southern University Newspapers group, also served on the executive board of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce.

Janet Gallagher-Cassel, who worked as the DTH’s general manager for five years until her departure in 2004, knows Beck from the time they spent together at the DTH.

“She was a professional,” Gallagher-Cassel said. “One of the best college ad directors in the country — she’s a joy to work with.”

The position of advertising director for the DTH will be filled by 2005 graduate Megan Gilchrist, who was the advertising manager during the past year’s impressive sales goals.

“I was trained by Chrissy, so I’ll try to carry on her general attitude,” she said.

She may be leaving, but Gallagher-Cassel said that Beck’s tenure at the newspaper will not be forgotten.

“She cares for her students and she loves what she does. She’s a part of the DTH.”

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