Some time this summer, around 9:55 p.m. Sunday night, I was speaking on the phone with a friend, who recently moved to Florida. He was confronting the loneliness that comes with moving to a new place.
Sitting in my living room, waiting for a timer to go off and the HBO logo to appear on my TV, I knew exactly what would cheer him up.
"No matter how difficult it may be, no matter how lonely you may get," I said, "at least Ari Gold will still be there to tuck you in every Sunday night."
"Not anymore," he replied despondently. "I can only afford basic cable."
Shocked and, admittedly, somewhat disgusted that I knew someone whose love for the slimy Hollywood agent from "Entourage" did not justify sacrificing a few meals here and there, I hung up immediately and ran to give my cable box a reassuring hug.
As I stood there, clinging to what my roommate refers to as our Chapel Hill mom, I began to think - Are there others like my friend out there? People who only pay for basic cable?
I finished hugging it out with the cable box and did a little research. It turns out there are quite a few people who don't pay for HBO, and they've actually beaten the system.
Who knew? It seems the greatest series on TV right now are coming not from the only premium channel cool enough to bring us a suburban gangster with a jones for ducks, but on - I never thought I'd say this - ABC.
"Lost" is ABC's "Sopranos." It is an intricately plotted drama that pays as much attention to character development as it does to its baffling mystery. For those who missed season two's premiere Wednesday, I suggest you sell your souls to the suits at ABC in exchange for a bootleg copy.