Polk Place has long been regarded as one of the more laid-back areas on campus.
But some students have taken that feeling a step further this week, turning the lower quad into their own living room.
A group of student activists has literally set up camp in the lower portion of Polk Place and is inviting students to come in, sit down and discuss world issues.
The discussion will build into the student activists' trip this weekend to an anti-war demonstration in Washington, D.C.
Anna Carson-Dewitt, a senior anthropology major, said she hopes the campsite will provide people with a place to engage in dialogue about issues in local, national and international communities.
"By creating a temporary community here, we are hoping to explore together what an ideal community can look like," Carson-Dewitt said.
The students have planned various other activities this week that are intended to raise awareness and allow people to voice their opinions on the war in Iraq.
At the end of this week, students will participate in a protest in Washington D.C., led by anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan - the mother of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq, who has traveled the country spreading her ideals since August.
Sheehan is most widely known for her especially long stop at President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas.