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Monday, Sept. 30, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Student affairs ups its availability

Catching up with University administrators can be difficult for a student without being penciled into their busy schedules.

But starting today, four of the top officials in the Office of Student Affairs will hold office hours during which anyone - without an appointment - can stop by to chat. From 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. every Tuesday, at least two administrators will be available in Steele 104 for conversation.

Margaret Jablonski, vice chancellor for student affairs, began holding open office hours when she arrived last year.

She said she hopes that this year more students will have a chance to voice their interests and concerns, noting that last year only about two people came by each week.

Jablonski said she hopes more students will attend once they recognize what an opportunity the open hours are.

"Now they can know they have an hour and a half to stop by and see at least two people, maybe four, every week," she said.

Jablonski was one of two administrators who held office hours last year. The other was Christopher Payne, associate vice chancellor for student affairs.

Joining them this year are Melissa Exum, dean of students and Winston Crisp, senior associate dean of students.

Although student leaders have stopped by in the past with concerns, Crisp said other student issues can range from student health to a housing or disability service.

"They can really bring up any subject that they want someone in administration to know about or any specific problem they want help with," Jablonski said.

Crisp said he wants students to feel comfortable enough to stop by as they are walking through campus, whether they have a specific agenda or just want to talk.

"We want to meet students, get to know students, chat with students."

Students who just want to stop by to introduce themselves are welcome, he said.

For off-campus students, Jablonski said the University administration sometimes can help with town-related concerns.

Students with issues regarding their classes, however, will be referred to academic affairs.

Exum said she is excited about the office hours and hopes that she and her colleagues will get to meet students they wouldn't normally meet.

"I'm really looking forward to creating a closer working relationship with students from all walks of life," she said.

Crisp said he wants students to recognize that the open office hours are only the beginning of available access to this administration.

"Spreading the word is the issue," he said. "But this is not the only thing we are going to try to make ourselves accessible."


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