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The Daily Tar Heel

T-Rich talks politics and big hits


Senior writer Brian MacPherson and hard-hitting linebacker Tommy Richardson go toe-to-toe on politics,

quarterbacks and personal grooming.

TR: I like your haircut.

BM: Thank you.

BM: You were student body president of your high school. What was the toughest issue you had to tackle?

TR: Actually, it was pep rallies. The year before, we had no pep rallies because we were building a new auditorium, a new basketball gym. It was a big deal about where we're having that, so we had a few outside, actually.

BM: If you were to run for student body president here at UNC, what would your campaign slogan be?

TR: I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. But if I did, it would have to be something involving football and building a champion, because I'm real animated about that.

BM: If your entire team was going to run for SBP, who would you vote for?

TR: I would actually vote for Arthur (Smith). He does a great job delegating responsibilities. He's real political, him and his o-line buddies.

BM: Do you have a good campaign

slogan for Arthur?

TR: 'Never too fly for the white guy.'

BM: What running back that you've faced in your career would you least like to see come through the hole right at you?

TR: Ronnie McGill. He's one of a kind. He's the kind of guy that doesn't look like he's moving very fast when he hits the hole, but after it's all said and done, you're on the ground and he's in the end zone.

BM: Have you ever had a guy come through the whole and just flatten you?

TR: You see that a lot. Football's a very competitive game, and you see that a lot, but hopefully it's the other team getting flattened. It's all about a battle of wills and whose will becomes mandated on that play.

BM: What does that feel like, to just get flattened by a running back?

TR: Ah, that's not a good feeling. You've got that on your mind for the next two plays. You've always got to say, 'Move on,' but you have it on your mind for the next two plays until you flatten somebody yourself.

BM: On the other hand, what's the feeling like when you absolutely

flatten someone?

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TR: Oh, my goodness. I'm such a fan - I like seeing my teammates

flatten someone. But when you flatten someone, most of the time, you're still a little dazed yourself,

and everybody's over there, slapping your head. Then, all of a sudden, you're like, 'Oh, my God - I just flattened him.' You just get excited with them.

BM: What nonquarterback would make the best quarterback in an absolute emergency?

TR: In an absolute emergency, like if everybody got the flu?

BM: Your entire group of quarterbacks

went down. Who do you want to see play quarterback?

TR: I want to see Jacoby (Watkins). We're not going to let him throw the ball - he's just going to run the option all day. Who will he throw to? Nobody will catch it.