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Speech wages on despite protestswages on despite protests

Guerriero makes call for equality

Fire alarms, flying pies and rainy weather were not enough to prevent the expression of political views Monday night.

Multiple attempts were made to stop a speech by Patrick Guerriero, president of the Log Cabin Republicans, as he discussed gay rights, conservative views and the Republican party.

An unidentified woman threw a pie at Guerriero halfway through his speech splattering on his tie and jacket. Shortly after a fire alarm was pulled causing the building to be evacuated.

The event then moved outside where Guerriero finished his presentation on the steps of Carroll Hall with the support of organizers.

The State of the Union Project, a student organization that aims to bring controversial speakers to campus, worked with the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender-Straight Alliance and the College Republicans to sponsor Guerriero's speech.

Guerriero's message was one of equality for all people, regardless of sexuality orientation or political identification.

"All the gay and lesbian community wants is to be able to have stable, loving, life-long relationships that are equally protected under the law," he said.

Guerriero, who said he is no stranger to harassment and attacks from people from all walks of life, was not phased by the attempted interruptions.

"I've experienced attacks almost everyday of my life, a lot worse than pie, and this is just a reflection of the type of things we are trying to prevent and shows the spirit behind my being here."

He added that the actions seen during the speech are only testament to the intensity of the debate involving the gay community.

"The incidents tonight show that we have reached a boiling point when it comes to the debate of gay rights," he said. "What we saw here shows the venom directed at the issue and how wasted it is."

Those in attendance said they were disappointed at the attempts to interrupt the presentation.

Bernard Holloway, treasurer and co-founder of the State of the Union Project, said the true integrity of UNC students was shown by those who continued to listen to the speech even after the interruptions.

"I think that UNC students are better than the incidents seen here tonight, but I was impressed and proud of those who stood on the steps and refused to budge from the open debate being heard."

Pooja Gupta, co-chairwoman of the GLBT-SA, said the organization does not support the actions of the protestor.

She added that Guerriero's presentation was effective in presenting a view not often seen in the gay community and was a key part of the GLBT-SA's Coming Out Week.

"Presentations like what was given here tonight help with opening the door to another way to think about things, such as it's okay to be gay and Republican," she said.


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