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Monday, Sept. 30, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

UNC's Master Plan

Short-term inconveniences to provide long-term gainsShort-term inconveniences to provide long-term gains



Crunch: At the beginning of the fall semester, campus parking was reduced to about 2,700 student parking spaces - 18 percent of the once-available spots.=

Solution: The University's Master Plan calls for about 1.9 million square feet of additional parking to be included by the end of the build-out. The construction includes the addition of three parking decks on campus. The recently completed Rams Head Center, which opened last spring, offers 768 parking spaces. A deck near Cobb Residence Hall will add 470 spaces and another, near UNC Hospitals, will create 800 parking spaces. Both are scheduled for completion this summer.


Classroom space


Crunch: Due to numerous academic buildings going offline, the academic day has been extended from 5 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. and is using alternative scheduling, such as allowing 75-minute classes on Monday/Wednesday only to be scheduled after 3:30 p.m.

Solution: The Student Academic Services Building, currently under construction on the corner of Ridge Road and Manning Drive, will be a hub for myriad University administrative offices after its completion in spring 2007. As renovations are completed and new buildings are added, the squeeze is promised to dissipate.




Crunch: Administrators are preparing to begin renovations of the South Campus high-rise dorms, which will reduce the number of beds by several hundred during the next several years. The total number of beds on campus dipped last semester to 7,300 with the Morrison and Cobb residence halls going offline.

Solution: Ram Village apartments, which include five apartment buildings, two behind Hinton James Residence Hall and three near Craige Residence Hall, will house more than 900 students. By fall 2007 there will be an additional 1,800 beds on campus after the Morrison project is completed and the Ram Village apartments open.


Down the road


Administrators say construction on Carolina North, UNC's planned satellite research campus, could begin in 2008. Development would not be completed for five to seven decades, but improvements to area education and research are much-touted.


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