Student Body President Eve Carson has created a new student committee to help her represent the student body’s desired traits in a new chancellor.
Applications are available today and are due Thursday at midnight. Members for the student advisory for the chancellor search committee should be announced by the end of fall break.
“I’m inviting at-large applications for a student board of student representatives,” Carson said.
The committee’s chairman, Matt Hendren, stressed the fast pace of forming the rest of the committee.
“The hard part about the committee is that we’re going to have to work really quickly,” he said.
Although plans are not formalized, Carson said she expects to take 10 at-large representatives. Mike Tarrant, student body vice president, also will serve in an advisory capacity, though he won’t be counted as one of the 10 members.
Hendren said students only need to be aware and thoughtful to apply, and do not need to be established campus leaders.
“It’s really important that we reach beyond the people who are generally really active . because being a student is more than just being active in those groups,” Hendren said.
The committee will draft a values statement reflecting the role of the students on campus and what “the Carolina way” means, Carson said.