I'm not sure what debate Mr. Barzilai was watching (""Price wins UNC debate"" Oct. 15), but Dr. Lawson was the clear victor in the one I was present for (Tuesday) night. The errors Mr. Barzilai cited as evidence that Lawson is not knowledgeable were merely Rep. (David) Price's attempts to obfuscate his record.
For instance, Price deliberately implied that he voted no"" on the initial bailout without explicitly saying so. The Paulson plan he claims to have opposed was a draft that was being debated before the first vote. As someone who personally wrote to David Price to tell him not to vote for the bailout and as someone who watched C-SPAN as the votes were tallied" I can assure you that when the bill was actually put before the house Price voted yes. Lawson made no mistake — Price deliberately trapped him.
Conspicuously absent from your editorial was the incident in which Price claimed to have voted against Real ID — which I'm sure he did as a stand-alone bill — but it was Lawson who informed the audience that Price voted for a bill in which the Real ID was an amendment.
Also why does Mr. Barzilai automatically assume that a sociological center designed to research radicalism in American communities going to make us safe?
Last time I checked" American citizens are not terrorists.
Idealism is not to be scoffed at. The problem with
Now of all times is the time for a new congressman. Price has been representing us for 20 years — through wars scandals budget deficits" and a potentially cataclysmic economic crisis. Why does anyone want to keep this old and impotent representative in
William Harris