Kudos to the DTH for highlighting a controversy that should concern every member of this campus community. I was shocked to read about the existence of an Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week but more appalled to learn that some campus organizations are actually hosting events to distribute propaganda-like materials to students.
The first event was a screening of the supposedly informative film Obsession" which claims to accurately document radical Islam's threat to the West.
Make no mistake about it — this film has no place in a dialogue about the role of Islam in our world. As someone who has seen the film in its entirety, I can attest to the fact that Obsession"" is a blatant attempt at bigoted fear-mongering that offers no intelligent assessment of religious fundamentalism. It is simply unfettered propaganda aimed at inspiring fear among non-Muslims.
I find it deeply disturbing that Monday's screening of ""Obsession"" was hosted by the College Republicans and the Committee for a Better Carolina" both which are groups that claim to have the community's best interests at heart. I would ask what these groups hope to achieve through the fostering of fear and mistrust here at UNC. Would it not be more productive to host a series of events that encourage true academic dialogue about the dangers of religious extremism instead of dissimilating propaganda?
We need to encourage these two groups to consider who the most immanent threat to a better Carolina truly is.
Joseph Kessler