In light of ""Islamo-fascism"" week" I would like to highlight the profiles of the individuals responsible for this prejudicial event.
David Horowitz received his master's in English literature" and is best known for his list of the ""most dangerous academics in
Robert Spencer holds a master's in early Christianity from UNC. He has been criticized openly by UNC's scholar on Islamic studies Dr. Carl Ernst.
Ernst states that the publications of Spencer belong to the class of Islamophobic extremism that is promoted and supported by right-wing organizations" who are perpetuating a type of bigotry similar to anti-Semitism and racial prejudice."" Spencer has absolutely no education in the study of Islam.
College Republicans and the Committee for a Better Carolina: As UNC student organizations"" I guess I expected a standard of academic intellectualism that was not borderline idiotic and inflammatory.
My question is: do you view radical Christianity as a ""legitimate threat"" as well? Better luck next time in bringing scholars who are academically accredited and credible in the study of Islam. Expect the upcoming ""Peace not Prejudice week"" to foster a
Remember friends" empty vessels make much noise; polemicists" Horowitz and Spencer are the most hollow of instruments.
Abbas Rattani
Religious Studies