v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
My roommate got two kvetches in last week! How can I win our kvetching contest when I can't even get one in!
To the two girls sitting next to me in ""Religulous"" at the Varsity. Your constant obnoxious laughter made me want to start believing in God again.
Instead of raising our tuition" couldn't you just lower the AC in EVERY building by 3 degrees? Save money and avoid the hassle of carrying a coat to class.
Does anyone else realize that Obama is the epitome of a pop culture candidate?
To the boy I met in line — thanks for failing to mention that you share your awesome house off campus with 35 other guys. Another deceitful frat boy.
Dear English teacher — seeing as I am no longer in your class can we please hook up now?
University Day is on a Sunday this year. Seriously? I thought the only purpose of that holiday was to get us out of class for half a day.
After watching the most recent presidential debate I only have one question. How does John McCain wash his hair? Seriously. Think about it.
Every male on this campus has more than a decade experience with directed urination so why does the floor under every urinal imply otherwise?
Dear gay boys in Lenoir: I miss your adorable faces. Please come back.
Thank you Cobb Community for being stricter than a Catholic school. The RAs should just start wearing habits when they hand out noise violations at 10:30 on a Saturday night.
To the SRC Staff: If you spent half as much time doing the laundry as you do checking out the hot girls on the treadmill or the guys lifting weights maybe we would have towels and wouldn't be completely miserable dripping with sweat! Just a thought.
Carolina girls" upspeak (look it up) is not cool. Throwing a dozen ""likes"" into each sentence has already won you the insecurity award of the century" so no need to up your performance. And just in case you're wondering I'm like" a girl myself.
Favorite new section at football games: between the frat boys and the wrestlers. Belligerent shit-talking to each other is entertaining.
Good job plastering political propaganda stickers all over this campus. Too bad your opponents aren't the ones that'll scrub them off — It'll be UNC's minimum wage workers. Way to ""stick"" it to them.
To the obnoxious study group at the top of the Union: The rest of us came up here to study" not to hear about your latest friend request on Facebook.
To the parent of the crying kid in the UL on Monday night" were the shouts of ""get that kid out of here!"" not a big enough hint?
Send your one-to-two sentence entries to editdesk@unc.edu" subject line ‘kvetch.'